Distance Education - Bachelor of Library and Information Science (B. L. I. S.) Courses

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Bachelor of Library and Information Science (B.L.I.S.) is a distance education program offered in India. This degree has great demand in India, as more students from various countries such as US, UK, China, Australia and New Zealand are opting for this degree as their major career option. The main purpose of a B.L.I.S. correspondence program is to provide students with the necessary practical skills that are essential to manage and administer a library. The courses offered by distance education colleges are generally associate's or bachelor's degrees. According to the Qualifications Commission of India, Bachelor of Library and Information Science, India, offers you a wide range of career opportunities which includes managerial positions, information systems analysts, computer applications professionals, law librarians, information system developers, project managers, education specialists, technical writing specialists, library technicians and many more.

Therefore, you can certainly find a great job in India by gaining a B.L.I.S. degree. The course fee for Bachelor of Library and Information Science India is approximately Rs. 5,000 in India. There are many institutes that offer B.L.I.S. degree in India and if you want to pursue your B.L.I.S. distance education degree in India, then you can contact any of the distance education institutions and get the necessary information about the courses offered.

Explore B. L. I. S. Correspondence Courses based on subjects

B. L. I. S. in Library Information Science

List of "B. L. I. S." Distance Courses in India